Basic Debugging techniques in Python.

 A Comprehensive Guide in Fixing Bugs in Python 

Python is a one of the most powerful programming languages well known for it's ease of use. Like any other programming language,  Python code can contain bugs that need to be identified and fixed. In this post we are going to show you the fundamentals of debugging in Python,  along with some practical tips and code examples to help you become a more effective bug hunter. 

What is Debugging 

Debugging is the process of finding and correcting errors (bugs ) in a program.  Debugging is an essential skill that every developer should master.  Whether you are a beginner or a senior programmer, you'll meet bugs in your code in every point.  Knowing how to identify these issues is important for building reliable and efficient software.

Debugging also helps you to grow as a developer.  It improves your code-writing skills, helps you understand Python's behavior and leads to the more big robust applications.  

Common Types of Python Bugs 

Before diving into bugging techniques, let's know the common types of bugs you might encounter in Python. 

1. Syntax Errors 

Syntax errors are among the most basic bugs in programming.  They occur when your code violates the rule of Python.  These violations can be as simple as missing colon at the end of a  'for' loop or a typo in a variable name.


# Syntax error: Missing colon

for i in range(5)


2. Logic errors 

Logic errors,  know as semantic errors,  occurs when your code doesn't behave as expected.  These bugs can be more challenging to identify because the code runs without error messages,  but it produces wrong results. 


# Logic error: Incorrect calculation

total = 5 + 3 # Should be 8, but it's 10

3. Runtime Errors 

Runtime errors occurs when your code runs but encounters an issue during execution, These errors can be caused by various factors such as division by zero, trying to get access an index that does not exist in the list, or attempting to open a non existent file.


# Runtime error: Division by zero

result = 10 / 0

Debugging Tools in Python 

Python provides several tools as well as techniques for debugging code effectively.  Below are some of the most common used debugging methods. 

Using `print ()`  Statements 

One of the simplest and most accessible debugging techniques is by using `print ()`  statements to display the value of as well as to trace the program's flow. By strategically placing `print ()`  statements in your code, you can observe the values of variables at different points in your program. 



def divide(a, b):

    print(f"Dividing {a} by {b}")

    result = a / b

    print(f"Result: {result}")

    return result

Leveraging the Program's Debugger  (`pdb`)

Python comes with a debugger called `pdb` , which allows you to step through your code , set breakpoints,  and inspect variables interactively. With  `pdb`, dealing with complex errors can be immensely helpful.

In order to use `pdb`, you need to import it and add the `pdb.set_trace()` function in  the point of your code where you want to start debugging. 


import pdb

def divide(a, b):

    pdb.set_trace() # Start debugging here

    result = a / b

    return result

Once you start the debugger with  `pdb. set_trace()`, you can use commands like `n` ,`s` and `c`  (next, step and continue)  to navigate through your code and inspect variables. 

The Strategies for Debugging Python Code 

Now that you know the debugging tools, let's explain effective strategies for debugging Python code.

Isolating the Problem (Divide and Conquer)

When you come across a bug , it is very important to isolate the problem by breaking your code into smaller parts and testing the parts individually.  In this process helps you pinpoint the exact source in the issue.

Reading Error Notifications 

Python provides informative error messages that can guide you in understanding the error. When the error occurs, carefully read rue error message,  which often includes the type of error,  where it is located and the traceback showing the sequence of calls that led to the error.

Code Review 

Ask a colleague or a peer to review your code. New eyes can spot issues that you may have missed.


Code Examples

Below are the practical code examples that demonstrate how to fix different types of bugs in Python 

Fixing Syntax Errors 


# Syntax error: Missing colon

for i in range(5)



# Fixed: Added colon

for i in range(5):


Solving Logic errors 


# Logic error: Incorrect calculation

total = 5 + 3 # Should be 8, but it's 10


# Fixed: Corrected calculation

total = 5 + 3 # Now it's 8

Handling Runtime Errors 


# Runtime error: Division by zero

result = 10 / 0


# Fixed: Added error handling


    result = 10 / 0

except ZeroDivisionError:

    print("Division by zero is not allowed.")


Debugging is an important skill fir Python developers. By understanding rhe common types of bugs, using debugging tools like `print ()` statements and `pdb ` as well as following effective Debugging  strategies,  you can efficiently identify and fix issues in your Python code.

Remember that debugging is not just about solving problems, it is an opportunity for you to improve your coding skills. Embrace the debugging process and with practice,  you'll become a more confident and proficient Python developer.

This guide will help you with a foundation for debugging in Python,  and as you continue your coding journey,  you'll encounter a wide range of debugging scenarios.  With determination you'll master the art of bug hunting and become a skilled Python developer. 
